
There are 9 1/1 Cool Cats that exist — of which 7 are already owned by existing cat holders.

Of the two that aren't released yet (the devil cat, and the golden lucky cat), the Cool Cats team will give them away to the community. Since these 1/1 cats have been fetching offers of upwards of 50+ ETH (~$100K), these cats could be potentially life changing for the recipients.

The giveaway for the first 1/1 cat, the golden lucky cat, will happen on July 16th 1 PM EST.


My proposal to create the Cool Cat CAO (Cat-centralized Autonomous Organization) that will bid for the cat after the giveaway for the golden lucky cat is over.

Regardless of the recipient of the giveaway, the Cool Cat CAO will form, crowd-fund the necessary funds for a bid on the cat (assume around 50 ETH), and offer the bid to the recipient. The recipient will have three options:

  1. Not accept the offer (either holding onto it for appreciation of value, or they just genuinely like the cat)
  2. Accept the offer at face value. Which then the DAO would pay the recipient in a private sale, and retain the golden lucky cat.
  3. Accept the offer but with negotiation for stake in the governance of the DAO. More details on this mechanism to come

Vision for Cool Cat CAO

The mandate of Cool Cat CAO as to be good stewards of the cat community, holding and sharing the ownership of the most prized and beloved cats in the collection.

Much like how pleasrDAO came together in order to place a bid of pplpleasr's x*y=k NFT piece for Uniswap v3's launch earlier this year, Cool Cat CAO's mandate at inception will be the acquire the 1/1 golden lucky cat and hold it as a store of value for years to come.